Tips & reminders for campaigners for all political parties

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Today, most people within the political scene in Medway will be out of Medway campaigning in either the PCC elections or other areas that have their local elections. This is kind of stolen from Vince Maple’s Twitter but in my own way and for all parties and all campaigners. Especially if you have ADHD, a reminder is incredibly important. So here it goes:

1. Don’t forget to vote if you haven’t got a postal vote (also make sure you have your ID)

If you haven’t got a postal vote, make sure in the next election you do, it will free up your time and save yourself rushing to the polling station at 7am.

2. Wear comfortable shoes

You will be out campaigning, knocking on doors, delivering get out the vote cards and final push messaging or you’ll be standing outside a polling station doing poll telling. Campaigns don’t end until 9.30pm at night (if your party stops before then, question them on it).

3. Make sure you have your phone charged and remember to bring it

Most political parties tend to do alot on phones these days because it saves time and resources. WhatsApp chats may be set up where you can report telling results and some parties have door canvassing apps.

It’s also how the parties HQ can keep in contact with you and make sure your safe.

Your phone is important.

4. If you have a portable charger, bring it

It will save you going back to campaign HQ every couple of hours to charge your phone.

5. Bring your normal charger and charge it every break

When you have the time to have a break, charge your phone at campaign HQ.

6. Comfortable clothing

Do not wear a suite (unless you’re a candidate), or worry about dressing smart. Time is of the essence and campaign day is you and your parties last chance to grab votes. It’s going to be a long day and you will get sweaty (if it’s not December lol).

Don’t worry about how you look. Voters are normal people and you also want to look relatable. People respond better to someone looking comfortable more than someone looking worried or uncomfortable.

7. Don’t make your party look bad

It’s a highly stressful time as it’s polling day. There may be things that your party does that gets on your nerves or someone you’re sent out to work with that you normally argue with – now is not the time to be arguing or even have an opinion. There will be time to discuss your opinions after 10pm.

8. Don’t post things on social media that can destroy your parties campaign

If you worried something could stir up a debate, it is not the time for debates, just the time to get votes.

9. Don’t debate on the doorstep

You haven’t got time to debate on doorsteps with people. If your party has already knocked on enough doors, you’ll know where your voters are, focus on them.

If someone says they aren’t voting for your party, try and get some data because a squeeze message in the next election might be thing however don’t debate. Be polite and move on. The more doors you knock on, the luckier you become.

Tip: Also, if someone is trying to have a long conversation with you, they may be a member of another party trying to stop you knocking on doors.

10. Take breaks

Take every break you get. Grab it. Make sure you have a drink and some food. You will need these. If your party hasn’t offered you a break and you’ve been out more than 5 hours, call the campaign manager and tell them you need a break. This is likely not to be malicious, campaign managers, agents and candidates will be super stressed so be nice about it too.


This is something I recently learned but is a safety precaution. You are advertising your home is empty for burglars or even posting your current location for those who may want to hurt you.

Now, whichever party you are campaigning for, go do it. It’s worth it in the end.

Whether you are a Lib Dem, Green, Labour, Conservative, Reform or other these are tips for all campaigners.

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